Friday, August 14, 2015

Exercise for Anyone
 (Lesson Outline for 8/30/15)

Objective: Understand and apply principles and practices of exercise and how this relates to self-reliance.

Principle 1: Exercise improves overall health of the body and mind.                                         
                Discussion: What are the benefits of regular exercise? Exercise has been proven to be beneficial to the physical and emotional health of the participant. Exercise can lengthen and increase the quality of life. People who exercise regularly feel better, sleep better, look better, and have better muscle tone. Exercise also develops self-discipline and self-control and can aid in building self-confidence and self esteem. It improves mental attitude, allowing a person to think more clearly and to be more capable of dealing with life’s problems. Also: keeps excess pounds at bay; increases stamina; stimulates the immune system making you less susceptible to sickness; reduces health risks such as obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, and certain types of cancer, and reduces chances of osteoporosis; maintains mobility; keeps mind sharp; reduces cognitive decline in older adults; eases the gloominess of depression and reduces stress.                                                                              
Principle 2: Exercise is for everybody.     
             Discussion A.  How can I begin an exercise program?   “At least three times a week, replace one hour of television, Internet, or other form of sit-down entertainment with an hour of physical activity such as bike riding, basketball, or walking.”
Physical activity first begins in the mind! Assess your state of being—are you healthy, fit, at target weight? Are you able to sleep well, able to be less stressed? If you want at least one of these, then you are ready to begin an exercise program!
There are four steps in beginning an exercise program. 1. Make a goal: what do you want to accomplish? Is it overall better health; lose weight; be fit and flexible? 2. Make a plan: what steps do you need to take to accomplish this goal? Do you need equipment, sturdy shoes, etc.? Do you need a designated place to exercise or a class? What types of activities or exercises will you do? 3. Make a schedule. What time will you exercise and for how long? How many times a week will you exercise? Being consistent helps us to stick with the schedule. 4. Do it! Start out slow and build up to more time or intensity.
             Discussion B. What types of exercise or activity should I do?  There are basically three kinds of exercise: Endurance (aerobics) such as walking, dancing, swimming; Muscle-strengthening (resistance) such as push-ups, weight-lifting, elastic bands, yoga; and Bone-strengthening (weight-bearing) such as yoga, brisk walking, running, stair climbing.
One does not need classes or expensive equipment to exercise. Take a walk around the house. Park a little bit further away from the store door. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Even minor changes will make a big difference over time.
Walking is one of the easiest ways to get started. (See Handout 1   Walk For Your Life). 
Discussion C. How much physical activity should I do?  Physical activity is important, but how much is needed is determined by age and general condition of the body.  See Handout 2 “How Much Physical Activity is Needed?”
Principle 3:  Having a balance of rest, exercise, and recreation helps sustain a healthy body and mind.

             Discussion: Why is recreation important to having balance in our lives?
Rest and physical exercise are essential, and a walk in the fresh air can refresh the spirit. Wholesome recreation is part of our religion, and a change of pace is necessary, and even its anticipation can lift the spirit” (Ezra Taft Benson, “Do Not Despair,” Ensign, Nov. 1974, 66).   Balance is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Our bodies need daily exercise and a healthy diet, but we can overdo. Remember, the Lord’s piano has a full keyboard, and the best music is played using a variety of keys, not by pounding on just one or two. The Lord is pleased when His Saints are fit, not fanatical. On the other hand, in our culture the tendency is to under-do. Doing too little or too much can cause us to lose choice blessings.”  The Human Body: A Gift and a Responsibility - Larry Tucker
Principle 4: Understanding and applying the principle of exercise helps us gain more self-reliance.
Discussion.  How will applying these principles affect our self-reliance?  As we exercise we will increase our strength, our stamina, our capacity for work, and improve our overall emotional and mental health.  Isaiah 40:  31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Walk for Your Life! Steven G. Aldana
At age seventy-seven, Beth suffered a heart attack and had to undergo a coronary bypass operation. After she was released from the hospital, she was frightened of overexerting herself, so she seldom left home, and she stopped almost all physical activity. Soon she became so weak that she was unable to prepare meals or to dress herself. Her condition continued to deteriorate. One day, her neighbor Lisa came by to visit, “Are you just going to sit there and wait to die?” Lisa asked. “Or are you going to do something to help yourself feel better? Come walking with me.” Beth was startled—but she listened. That day she got out of bed and dressed herself. After a week she was able to walk to the door. After three weeks she made it to the mailbox. Within a few months, she could walk all the way around her block. During this time, Beth also began to prepare meals, do her laundry, and attend church again. Now she looks forward to her daily walk and says that she feels better than ever. Beth’s experience isn’t unique to the elderly. Almost anyone, of any age, would benefit from a consistent walking program.
Why Walk? Research has shown that a simple daily walking program can make a significant difference in our overall well-being. Those who walk consistently are ill less frequently, and their bodies age more slowly. Walking invigorates cardiovascular functioning, which normally declines with age. Walking also slows bone demineralization, especially in the legs, and it serves as a deterrent to increased fat storage; increases circulation, which reduces joint inflammation and pain in people who suffer from arthritis ; and improves all factors (except age, heredity, and smoking) that are linked to cardiovascular disease.
Before You Begin:  With all of walking’s potential benefits, it is hard to find a valid reason not to be involved in some type of walking program. There is, however, one stipulation: You must be free from any health problems that may be worsened by exercise. Ask yourself, “Do I have any concerns about my current health?” If you do, obtain a physical examination from your doctor and ask him if you can safely start a walking program. For your walking, wear a pair of shoes that fits well and has a cushioned sole. Running shoes and the new athletic walking shoes are designed to be comfortable and to lessen shock. In order to walk at the right pace, you need to know your Target Heart Rate (THR). Your THR is the most effective training pulse for maximum cardiovascular and fat-burning benefits given your age and current fitness level. Using your THR ensures that you do not exert yourself too much or too little. To figure your THR, subtract your age from 220, then multiply this number by .75. During a brisk walk, your heart rate per minute should be near your calculated THR. (To monitor your heart rate, find your pulse by placing your first two fingers on the thumb side of the opposite wrist. Count your pulse for ten seconds, then multiply this number by six. This is your heart rate per minute.) If your heart rate is above your THR, slow down a little and check it again after a few minutes. If your heart rate is below your THR, try to walk a little faster.
Ready, Set, Walk! For a few minutes before you start walking, loosen up by stretching. Concentrate on your legs, calves, and trunk. This prepares your muscles and joints for exercise. Then warm up by walking normally for five minutes to increase your heart rate slowly. For the next twenty to forty-five minutes, walk briskly, taking full strides and swinging your arms. During the first few minutes of your brisk walking, pause for ten seconds and count your pulse, then adjust your pace accordingly. Before you completely stop, cool down by walking slowly for five minutes to allow your pulse to lower gradually and safely. Stretch for a few minutes when you are finished to prevent stiffness and to increase flexibility. For maximum benefit, you should walk three to five times a week for twenty to forty-five minutes. But programs can be tailored to fit any individual and any schedule. By adjusting the length, pace, and frequency of walks, anyone can participate. By walking only a few minutes a day, a previously sedentary adult can, over time, progress to a brisk forty-five-minute walk over hilly terrain.
Walking Interesting Many business people walk during their lunch breaks. Some like to include colleagues or clients and discuss business matters. Members of one Relief Society presidency walk together every morning and talk about the needs of the sisters in their ward. Husbands and wives can converse about daily happenings as they exercise. And parents can really work up a sweat if they take small children along in strollers. A good walking program can be an important part of a balanced life. It can improve your life physically, and since spiritual sensitivity increases when one is unhampered by physical concerns, it can improve your life spiritually as well. So what are you waiting for? Take a walk! life?lang=eng&query=%22%E2%80%9Cwalk+for+your+life!%E2%80%9D%22


How much physical activity is needed?
Physical activity is important for everyone, but how much you need depends on your age.

(18 to 64 years)
Adults should do at least 2 hours and 30 minutes each week of aerobic physical activity at a moderate level OR 1 hour and 15 minutes each week of aerobic physical activity at a vigorous level. Being active 5 or more hours each week can provide even more health benefits. Spreading aerobic activity out over at least 3 days a week is best. Also, each activity should be done for at least 10 minutes at a time. Adults should also do strengthening activities, like push-ups, sit-ups and lifting weights, at least 2 days a week.

(6-17 years)
Children and adolescents should do 60 minutes or more of physical activity each day. Most of the 60 minutes should be either moderate- or vigorous intensity aerobic physical activity, and should include vigorous-intensity physical activity at least 3 days a week. As part of their 60 or more minutes of daily physical activity, children and adolescents should include muscle-strengthening activities, like climbing, at least 3 days a week and bone-strengthening activities, like jumping, at least 3 days a week. Children and adolescents are often active in short bursts of time rather than for sustained periods of time, and these short bursts can add up to meet physical activity needs. Physical activities for children and adolescents should be developmentally appropriate, fun, and offer variety.

(2-5 years)
There is not a specific recommendation for the number of minutes young children should be active each day. Children ages 2-5 years should play actively several times each day. Their activity may happen in short bursts of time and not be all at once. Physical activities for young children should be developmentally appropriate, fun, and offer variety.

Physical activity is generally safe for everyone. The health benefits you gain from being active are far greater than the chances of getting hurt. Here are some things you can do to stay safe while you are active:

  • If you haven't been active in a while, start slowly and build up.
  • Learn about the types and amounts of activity that are right for you.
  • Choose activities that are appropriate for your fitness level.
  • Build up the time you spend before switching to activities that take more effort.
  • Use the right safety gear and sports equipment.
  • Choose a safe place to do your activity.
  • See a health care provider if you have a health problem.

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