Education (10/18/15)
Learn how education builds self-reliance.
1: Education is an eternal principle.
principle of intelligence we attain unto in this life, it will rise with us in
the resurrection. Doctrine and Covenants 130:18 What is meant by the term “intelligence.” A revelation of 1833 declared, "The
glory of God is intelligence,
or in other words, light and truth" (D&C 93:36). Elder John A. Widtsoe said,
"The word intelligence, as
used in common speech, means readiness in learning, quickness of mind. Its
higher gospel meaning is more profound. The intelligent man is he who seeks
knowledge and uses it in accordance with the plan of the Lord for human
good.... Intelligence,
[is] but another name for wisdom. In the language of mathematics we may say
that knowledge, plus the proper use of knowledge, equals intelligence,
or wisdom." (CR, Apr. 1938, p. 50.)
DISCUSSION: Education can enrich, ennoble, and provide
understanding that leads to a happier life. Members should study the scriptures
and other good books; improve their ability to read, write, and do basic
mathematics; and obtain skills needed for suitable employment. Providing in the
Lord’s Way: Summary of a Leader’s Guide to Welfare. How has education enriched
your life? Give examples.
2: The need for education and educational requirements are constantly changing.
DISCUSSION: For Adults: How has the need for education
changed since you were in school? For Youth: How are educational requirements
changing as you prepare yourself for future employment? Possible answers include, 1. Education
for employment has become / is becoming much more specialized. 2. Many jobs now
require proficiency with computers and use of the Internet. 3. Foreign
competition in manufacturing is making the job market more competitive; thus
making those with more education more competitive. 4. Some job categories that
once only required a high school education now require higher education.
Vocational training has expanded greatly in recent years. Whether it is vocational training or college
training, education is the key to being gainfully employed. Ask class members who may have experienced this to share
their experience. Ask adult or have
adults share what subjects they studied in elementary and high school versus
what their children studied or are studying.
3: Advancements in science and
technology are moving so fast that continual education is a requirement for the
DISCUSSION: How does a person “keep pace” in today’s
and tomorrow’s workplace? “In today's fast-paced business world, no one's going to give you
permission to engage in continuous learning -- a strategy that is essential to
your future success. You must take the initiative yourself.
Unfortunately, however, this attitude is far from the norm. Most
people subscribe to the “inoculation” theory of education — “I got my degree
(or diploma), and now I don’t have to learn anymore.” Not only is this attitude
out of step with successful living, these days it may be downright dangerous!
Accelerating change in nearly every area of human endeavor is making current
knowledge obsolete at a faster pace than ever before. Gone are the days of the
artisan, where one could learn a craft and utilize it for a lifetime, with
little or no change. In short, the only constant these days is change itself.
To grow in our jobs and our family lives requires that we keep on
growing and learning, long after our formal schooling is done. The more we’re
able to know and the more skills we acquire, the more value we can offer to our
employers, friends and families. And that places us in an upward spiral of
growing income and emotional wellbeing. Well-known business author and change
agent Tom Peters calls it cultivating “towering competence” — becoming the very
best at what you do, by continuing to learn and hone your skills and
capabilities to the point where they become highly regarded and sought after by
your coworkers and professional peers.
Continuous learning means we’re keeping the “raw material pile” of
our brain freshly stocked, which enables us to come up with more and better
ideas and innovations — which every business needs today. New ideas and
solutions are a primary way you can add value to your job, and therefore
increase your success.”
DISCUSSION: What are some ways that people, even those still in school,
can develop the pattern and habit of continual learning? (List various ways ) Answers might include:
1. Develop good life-long reading habits.
Expand your areas of interests in reading. Always be reading a good book, including and
especially the scriptures.
2. Take classes offered by community agencies. Many good classes are
offered free of charge.
3. Learn basic computer skills.
4. For families with children: Discuss “What did you learn today?” when
together for a meal.
5. What are some other ways to apply life-long learning habits?
DISCUSSION: Given today’s discussions, how does education impact
Answers might include:
1. Education puts more resources within our grasp. Have someone
2. Education allows more control over one’s life. Have someone
3. Education gives us more options and choices in life. Have someone explain.