Thursday, June 11, 2015

About Self-reliance (


We are pleased to introduce a new blog site that explores self-reliance.  In “About Self-reliance,” ( we will discover practical ways in which to be more self-reliant in the areas of (1) Spiritual Strength (2) Health, (3) Preparedness , (4) Education, (5) Employment & Work, and (6) Finances.  You are encouraged to participate in the ongoing discussion through your comments on the site.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines self-reliant as, “Having confidence in and exercising one's own powers or judgment.”  We might expand that definition to include becoming more independent rather than dependent, and becoming more self-sufficient and self-supporting where possible.

There is an important balance to be sought between total reliance on ourselves and our reliance on others.  Total reliance upon ourselves to meet all of our wants and needs is neither possible nor desirable.  Neither is it desirable to depend on others for our temporal needs, when we have the ability and capacity to provide for those needs.  Regardless of our abilities or disabilities, we each have a certain ability and capacity to think, to feel, and to act in ways that provide for our temporal needs.  One of the purposes of this life and the next is to expand our capacities and increase our abilities as circumstances permit. 

We also know that there is value in having a support system of family, friends, and colleagues upon whom we rely for different kinds of support.  There are many opportunities in life to “be our brother’s keeper,” and to “bear one another’s’ burdens that they may be light.”  We also believe strongly in our absolute reliance on God’s grace after we have done all we can do to be faithful and obedient to God’s laws and ordinances. 

There are some who will come to this site nearly perfect in their abilities and capacities in some areas of self-reliance.  Others may be just learning about these principles and practices.  Additionally, others with various kinds of disabilities and handicaps will participate in this site to learn how to grow and develop in these six areas within their ability and capacity to do so. We encourage all to contribute to our understanding of this vital subject.

We invite you to explore with us and encourage your comments and insights regarding these six areas of self-reliance on the website, “About”  Notification regarding these blogs may be found on Facebook and other social media sites on a regular basis.